
Hi, I’m Luke

Certified Dog Trainer (CDT-C)

My mission is to help you learn how to communicate better with your dog. Certified in positive reinforcement and balanced training techniques, I can accommodate any method you prefer. My focus is on pet dog obedience and behavior modification for reactive or aggressive dogs.

I utilize science-based training techniques that incorporate both Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning. This approach involves teaching dogs associations and responses to specific triggers, fostering a well-rounded understanding of behavioral cues. I adhere to both LIMA (Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive) and the Humane Hierarchy methods of dog training.

I believe it’s important to think of dog training as more than just getting your dog to perform certain behaviors. It’s also about understanding how they learn and communicate and how you can build a stronger relationship through that communication. I’m here to teach you how to become a better dog owner and have the best relationship you can with your best friend.

All aspects of training are connected to each other in a complex web of behavior and learning theory. When you understand how dogs learn and the underlying reasons for certain behaviors, you will be able to use your training to approach every situation with the confidence that comes with clear communication. It’s frustration-free training that’s fun for you — and your dog!

Clear + Consistent + Effective Training Methods

I employ a highly effective reward-based training method known as Marker Training. You can use a clicker or certain words as a marker, I prefer to use my voice most of the time. This technique, rooted in classical conditioning, is a simple yet powerful way to train your dog and capture behaviors you like using positive reinforcement.

To make training an enjoyable experience for your dog and increase their engagement, it is important to establish clear communication and maintain consistency in the meanings behind these cues. By doing so, you'll be able to tap into your dog's level of understanding and work with them in a mutually beneficial way.

Theses are the techniques I employ to ensure that the dog (and human) is having a good time and can’t wait to do it again:

  • Verbal Feedback (markers and praise or lack thereof)

  • Timing and Patience (lots and lots of patience)

  • Engagement (a dog that finds it rewarding to engage with you is MUCH easier to train)

  • Shaping (gradually increasing the behaviors difficulty)

  • Reward Events and Experiences (using movement, praise and varying levels of enthusiasm to create fond memories)

In addition to marker training, I place a strong emphasis on perfecting leash handling skills to enhance communication with your canine companion. One of the most common problems dog owners face is dealing with a dog that pulls on the leash.

By honing your leash handling techniques and utilizing it as a means of communication in tandem with your markers, you'll be able to clearly convey to your dog what actions are expected of them.

This transparent and consistent communication allows your dog to trust in you and understand the boundaries and expectations of their behavior.

Why Choose In-Home Dog Training?

Experience hands-on learning with in-home dog training. Our skilled trainer brings expertise directly to your door, creating a comfortable setting for your best friend. Active owner involvement ensures a stronger bond and successful results in your pet's journey.

Discover the Advantages of In-Home Dog Training:

  • Tailored Training Programs: Benefit from personalized programs where the dog trainer crafts a plan specifically designed to meet your dog's unique needs and goals. This customized approach guarantees faster and more effective results.

  • Convenient Sessions: Enjoy the convenience of training sessions held in the comfort of your own home. No need to travel to attend classes, making it an ideal option for busy dog owners or those with limited mobility.

  • Accelerated Results: With training occurring in your dog's familiar surroundings and your direct involvement, learning new behaviors and applying them in real-life situations becomes more seamless, leading to quicker results.

  • Enhanced Home Behavior: In-home training empowers your dog to learn proper behavior within their everyday environment. This translates to fewer behavioral issues both inside and outside the house.

  • Individualized Attention: Unlike group classes, you and your dog become the sole focus of the trainer in one-on-one sessions. This ensures they receive the dedicated attention necessary for a successful training journey.

The Owner's Role in Training at Home

With in-home dog training, it goes beyond the trainer teaching your dog—it's a team effort requiring active commitment from the owner. While the trainer provides expertise, the owner is crucial for the program's success.

Consistency is vital. The methods and commands taught by the trainer must be practiced by the owner between sessions. This includes using the same techniques, commands, and rewarding behaviors. Inconsistency can confuse the dog and impede progress.

The owner's attitude matters. Patience, positivity, and understanding are essential. Owners must invest time and effort into practicing with their dog, following the trainer's instructions, and maintaining the training routine.

Contact Us for more information and to get the conversation started.

  • You can see all the pricing for different packages on the In-Home Training Services page. In-Home Consultations are $90.

  • You’ll fill out an intake form to give us important information about you and your dog; general information, address, behavior issues, training goals, health or mobility restrictions.

    Once you’ve submitted your form, Luke will contact you via email with any additional questions, a training plan outline, which package may be right for you, and a link to book and schedule.

  • We offer in-home appointments to make training as easy and accessible as possible for you and your furry friend.

    As your dog's skills progress, we may incorporate sessions in outdoor or public locations to simulate real-world scenarios and distractions.

    To ensure that we can provide the best service, please check if your location falls within our service area.

  • Our sessions are booked as 1 hour but they tend to run long, up to 90 minutes.

  • Typically one session per week but your situation may vary. Operation Good Dog prides itself on being flexible to your needs.

  • You’ll receive a personalized digital training plan with access to handouts that cover step-by-step overview of each task, weekly homework, and videos.

  • We do not charge extra for training multiple dogs, however, we may need to work with them individually at first and may require additional lessons to accommodate both dogs effectively.