3-Session Package


Private in-home lessons
3 weekly appointments or flexible scheduling
Dogs of any age allowed

This package is suitable for dogs of all ages and breeds, and it is designed to be flexible and customizable to meet the specific needs of each individual dog.

The 3-Session Package is a shorter but more affordable training program that is designed to help pet owners teach their dogs a few basic commands, such as sit, stay, and come, for example. Additionally, this package can be used to help with loose leash walking, which is a common issue among many dogs. Furthermore, it can also address mild to moderate behavior issues such as jumping, resource guarding, play biting, and counter surfing.

If you are seeking to address more than just a few basic obedience commands or have more severe behavioral issues to work on, then the 6-Session Package may be a better fit for your needs.

Each training session is booked as 1 hour, but they tend to run long (up to 90 minutes) giving you and your dog the time and attention needed to see real results.


Credit/Debit cards & Paypal accepted. Appointments expire 6 months after purchase unless otherwise noted by trainer.